Friday, August 10, 2012

Adventures in Ranting

So by now you should know that I'm a ranter. There are just some things that annoy and irritate the crap out of me. So this is my list of grievances. Not in any particular order (because depending on the day, the person, or even the magnetic pull of the earth, some things may annoy me more than others)

~People who stand at the top or bottom of the stairs/escalator. This is not the time to see where you are going, if you left something or you need to check your map, Fucking Tourists!

~People who stand in doorways or at an Exit to have conversations. Move the Fuck out of the way! 

~The older Asian population who would literally push you or step on a toe or two to get to that seat that no one else can fit in. WTF! Have you been standing all day and this is the only time you can sit? Do you not know how to say Excuse Me? Its only 2 words.

~When I go to a restroom and the toilet paper comes off one sheet at a time. As a female this is even more annoying when I'm trying not to piss on myself and/or my pants. 

~Ghetto people in professional settings. I am not your home boy or your baby momma to be addressed in anything but a professional manner. 

~Bible Thumpers. I was born Catholic and have gone to Catholic school, I know enough about it and I'm making an official declaration: I'M GOOD! I'm religious as I am going to get at this point and as I wish to be. I don't want to hear your unsolicited advice on how God is going to save me and to leave it all in God's hands. Please do not force your hypocritical views on me. I have yet to be struck down by lightning and like I said... I'M GOOD!

~Constant complainers. I don't want to hear about how fed up you are with your job, your man, your weight or your life yet you won't apply to another job or quit, you won't kick the fucker out and you won't put down the cupcake. Maybe your life sucks so much because you are always complaining!

~People who say 'nah mean', 'know what I'm saying' and 'you feel me' after every other sentence they say. Maybe people don't know what you are saying because the BS that flows out of your mouth has no content value. How about you know what you mean before you say it and not ask for validation at the end of each sentence.

~People who don't text me back, who don't call me back or who take forever to respond back to a question. What is the point of having a Smart Phone with all those capabilities if you can't reply back. You are not allowed to not be a texter.

~ Conspiracy Theorists. Its so time consuming to think the government is after you every step you take. I get it, I've seen Eagle Eye, I know what the government is capable of. But I aint got time for that. Conspiracy theorists have an inflated image of themselves. Are you really that important to the gov to even be on their radar?

~People who talk too much in waiting rooms. As I'm listening to my name I don't wan to here your conversation on how your brother's baby momma's aunt's ex-boyfriend got the cousin pregnant or other such nonsense. Please see full blog dedicated  on this subject TMI-Adventures In Over-share.

~People who can't keep their word. We live in a world of I'll see, I'll get back to you, I'll let you know. Yes no longer means yes, its now Maybe. 

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