Thursday, August 25, 2011

TMI- Adventures in Over-Share

 What is about waiting rooms that make people want to talk their heads off. Aren't they aware of the unwritten rule that if you have to go to a government/ state agency (like the DMV, Social Security office, Jury Duty) or the doctor's office that you are supposed to bring your own entertainment? Whether it be magazines, a book, an ipod, something, anything to help keep the boredom away. Talking to anyone who will listen is not acceptable.

I was at the DMV not that long ago and the guy behind me, hadn't had an ID in 10 years, had just graduated from school, had a daughter and didn't go out to clubs. That the last time he went to a club a fight broke out. How do I know this? Because he was chatting it up with the guy next to him. And when he got up, he said "nice meeting you". So that whole conversation was with a STRANGER! While waiting in Eternal Hell, oops I mean Jury duty I heard several stories about how people have been wrongly imprisoned and how the law is filled with assholes.

What I don't understand is why must people want to strike up intimate conversations with people you've NEVER MET BEFORE! From the DMV to the Doctor's office the waiting rooms are bombarded with endless chatter. Just Shut Up!

Now the doctors office? The waiting room at the doctor's office takes the cake; Latinos in general do not know what inside voices are. Its like a constant buzzing of incessant chatter. You can find out how many kids they have, how many abortions as well, how she found out how her man was cheating. How the system has fucked them over. To ways to find out if a person is pregnant. Did you know if you pee on a jabon de quaba and it splits you're pregnant? Like seriously you can go have sex but you can't afford to buy an EPT home test? I really try to mind my biz, really I do, but I can't help but stare and listen to the TMI. And the fact that you are waiting for your name to be called doesn't allow you to drown out their voices with your ipod. In the midst of waiting and listening you really see how ignorant, uneducated and just plain stupid people are.

The only conclusion I have come up with is that people have an unconditional need to be heard. I'm sorry but I just don't want to hear it. I'm the type of person that if I don't know you, I don't feel the need to strike up a conversation. At first it seems like they're just being nice and want to know about you. "Oh what book are you reading? Is it good? How you like it so far? What's it about?" If I'm reading I don't want to be interrupted period. Then the conversation quickly changes and becomes all about them. "Oh I like to read Dan Brown, his books are so good. I read this one book..." From here you now have to pretend to be interested because it will goes on, and on, and on. And your options are limited to then excuse yourself or pray your name or is called.

I think I'm just an antisocial person, so you should avoid me, really you should.

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